June 08, 2010

Gully and the Jeepers

Gully and His Jeepers (dry pastel on pastelbord, 11 x 14)

Can't you just imagine them getting ready for their sunset gig at the beach? Soon all the little sandpiper girls will be gathering around oohing and ahhing and shaking their tail-feathers! There is always fun to be had at the beach.

A little closer view of the bandleader...


  1. Nice job, Sandy, of capturing this pop-star in a pensive moment before the gig. The oohing and ahhing you hear right now is me looking at this piece of art...


  2. Beautiful and so well done! I can hear the birds and the surf and can't wait for the music to begin. Another work of art!

  3. This is truly a beautiful work...the gull looks as if he will just flap his wings and fly away any moment. Nice, subtle treatment of the shoreline.

  4. Don; thanks for the applause. I know he must be a bit nervous but he'll do fine. I've heard him sing before.

    Suzanne, you are so kind. Thank you.

    Karen, thank you for stopping by and for your kind comment!
